Who to call for Electrical work in Timaru South Canterbury? and who can I trust?
At Travis Electrical we have a mobile workshop stocked to the roof with every tool that an electrician will need, so we are able to cover most areas in South Canterbury including, Timaru, Temuka, Pleasant Point and Waimate. And every location in between.
As a fully qualified Electrician I install, maintain and repair electrical systems and equipment in a wide range of areas. We are involved in construction and the farming industry. We also maintain both residential and commercial properties.
When you call Travis Electrical, you will more that likely have me answering that telephone call. You can guarantee that you will get a straight answer for your electrical problem right away.
We like to have minimal waiting times, so we can get to your project in a timely manner. We understand the pressures of time frames and budget. When you trust Travis Electrical with your next project, you can rely on us for quality and affordable prices.
When making your decision on choosing an electrician, its always a good idea to check out their reviews online. Fortunately we do have a number of reviews on our site. Thank you to those that have reviewed our electrical services – it is very much appreciated.
Travis Electrical, servicing Geraldine and Timaru plus the wider South Canterbury region. Give Travis and his team a call today for your electrical needs on 027 625 9255.